Monday, November 18, 2013

Who Viewed Your Facebook Profile - Initial Chat Friends List

There are a lot of websites claiming that you can see who saw your Facebook profile by looking at the so-called "InitialChatFriendsList" in the source code of your Facebook page.

  • Login to Facebook
  • Right click anywhere
  • View source page
  • Hit control+F and search "initialchatfriendslist"
  • There will be a set of numbers following it. Copy one.
  • Paste it in "[number]"
  • You will be redirected to that person's page.

The claims on these websites is that in this list your top profile viewers are ordered from the person who visits your profile the most to the person who visits your profile the least.

Some sources:
If you read the comments made by different people on these forums, you will see that the results are mixed: some claim that the list is correct, while others notice people who are not active on Facebook, or even dead (!) in some cases.

My recommendations is to NOT believe in this claim. But since this is not harmful in any way compared with the apps we reviewed on this website, it doesn't hurt to go through your "initialchatfriendslist" and see who is there. You might even find out something new when you open a profile of a friend who you didn't check in a long time (moving to another country, getting married etc).

Happy stalking! :)


  1. Well in my case there are a few people who are not even in my friends list who are above those who *are* my friends. And I have more interactions with the latter, where as the only connection I have with the former is a handful of tagged photos. However this particular person is a girl at the office, and probably views my FB often?

  2. It says the page is broken on any id number that i try .... any ideas please?

  3. It says the page is broken on any id number that i try .... any ideas please?

  4. you explain it well about initial chat friends list. My advice, keep more explanatory image, thanks

  5. I used to find out who stalks my profile using this source page id's .
    Actually i am not that much active in fb .But i installed fb using a fake name,just to see my friends and some others profile.And i am also the one who uses my mothers profile.I sent friend request to one girl to whom I had a crish on.She accepted the request on that day itself.As i already knew about this initial chat friends list thing i sent request to her from my mothers profole.After 2 weeks i found found that her fb id was on the 1st position and on 5th position on the list.And the very next day,her id was on the 1st position.I never chatted with her from my mothers profile nor visits her profile.I used to visit her profile from my fake profile,the one i mentioned earlier.
    So I really believe that this shows who views our profile the most with their id's shown in top of the list.
    This girl had an impression on me and always tried to impress me. So i doubt so......
    I believe in initial chat friends list id's...

  6. i typed initialchatfriendslist but no result it showed

  7. I couldn't find in my view page source

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